Terry Longhorn
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"The sun did not shine, it was too wet to play"... (Terry Longhorn, Ottawa Real Estate Broker)

Updated Monday, May 16, 2011  ::  Views (14757)

... but we did not sit doing nothing on that cold and wet day! 

Congratulations to everyone that contributed time, prizes and garage sale items to our Garage Sale at the RLP Team Stittsville branch on Saturday May 14th.

We were inundated with donations from our community this year!

The weather didn't cooperate but that didn't dampen our spirits, although it did soak most of us!

We raised over $4100 for the RLP Shelter Foundation, 50% of this will go directly to Chrysalis House, a 25 bed emergency women's Shelter in Kanata. We couldn't have done this without the help of numerous RLP agents and their families, we also had the help of Peer Supporters from the Violence Against Women Program at the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre (WOCRC).

Many people showed up throughout the day, even though it was pouring rain! York Polk, Ottawa Mortgage Brokers came by, Mary Brown also stopped in and finally was able to put a face to the voice from Chrysalis House when she met Kerri Bjornson. Bill Welychka, /A\ Channel Weather Anchor came out, Mayor Jim Watson and Kanata South Councillor Allan Hubley came as did Cathy Jordan, Executive Director of WOCRC. Also, the Carleton University Kappa Sigma boys were here again this year and helped with deliveries and final pack up of the truck. The Mayor spent some time talking with the boys about their participation, which was great to see. We had 4 Chrysalis House residents come over and we helped them find some items for their new housing, they were very happy, especially when the Kappa Sigma boys loaded everything into the Royal LePage van and drove it over for them. The event had been advertised by /A\ Channel the week before and this morning Bill spoke about his participation while showing the photo with him, the mayor, Allan Hubley, the Kappa Sigma boys and  me. He also mentioned how important it is to help end the cycle of Violence Against Women, a cause both Bill, a White Ribbon Campaign member, and the KSig boys have devoted numerous hours toward. 
Thanks to everyone who joined us for your support. 

Terry Longhorn

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