Terry Longhorn
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Terry is asking for your support...

Updated Thursday, June 10, 2010  ::  Views (6363)

17th Annual Tim Hortons Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival
June 18th, 19th and 20th, 2010 - Mooney's Bay Park

The Pledge Challenge is an opportunity for paddlers and the general public to raise funds for local charities. To date over $1,800,000 has been raised! Help us accomplish our goal for 2010, to raise $350,000 for charity.

Click here to donate: http://register.dragonboat.net/EVE/d.asp?id=CBF0E59A39E345C5B79E9046B1C108A9

Your pledge this year will benefit several Ottawa area charities.  The receipient charities are as follows:

Sens Foundation/Project S.T.E.P.
CHEO Foundation
Bruyere Foundation
Ottawa Humane Society
U of O Institute of Mental Health Research
Debra Dynes Family House

Thank you for your support!

Visit www.dragonboatfoundation.net for information on the Festival

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